Monday 11 May 2015

Fun Lunches - Flowers and Butterflies

For this month our theme was nature.

Using a butterfly cutter I have for cupcake making I cut out some pieces of carrot. I placed these with some slices of cheese which I cut into flower shapes using another icing cutter.

Scarlett then helped me make some pitta pizzas for her lunch. She chose mozzarella, chicken, sweetcorn and basil for her topping. She then cut the pitta into a star shape (as we don't have a flower cutter large enough) and we baked them in the oven. She was quite proud of showing these off to daddy when they were done.

Wholemeal pitta pizzas proudly made by Scarlett.

Finally for pudding we added a rice paper flower onto of a jam tart for a sweet treat to match our theme.

I think she liked it as it was all gone when I picked her up from preschool. Along with the fruit kebabs, smoothie and oddities I'd also packed. Love it when they eat well.

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