Thursday 3 September 2015

Scarlett's Veg Box - A Very Hungry Caterpillar!!

I'm sorry to report Scarlett's veg box has been under attack from lots of wriggly friends. Thursday morning upon checking the veggies Scarlett came running to me in horror. It didn't take long for me to realise why. A very hungry family of caterpillars, we counted 50+ as we picked them off the sprouts, had left what can only be described as a skeleton of a sprout tree. We picked off as many a we could, but the next day MORE. We battled for a week but we lost.

Poor sprout tree!

I have since read online that if you grow these plants through hard cardboard tubes they don't get attacked. So next year we'll try that out.

Our efforts will now move inside the house over winter with some herb growing. So I'll make sure to keep you up to date with those.

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