Wednesday 2 December 2015

2nd Decemer - Clay Hanging Decorations

Today we invited next door over for some craft fun and dinner. This was lovely for all the kids from 2 years to 5 years old. I enjoyed making some too!

I was too busy to take any action shots, but will post the finished results when they are dry.

I bought a 1kg block of white air dry clay and this is what we did.

  1. I set out a plate for each child with their name on it to place the finished decorations onto to dry.
  2. Cut a plastic folder divider in half for none stick mats
  3. Set out rolling pins and cookie cutters.
  4. let the kids roll out the clay, cut out shapes and don't forget to poke a hole in them so you can hang them.
  5. Leave for 24 hours to dry
  6. Paint and display.

We all had fun. Tip- If the clay starts to dry out too early add a splash of water to freshen it up again.

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