Thursday 23 April 2015

Fun Lunches -Commotion in the Ocean

Scarlett had such fun with her Robot lunches last month I thought I would continue the themed lunches every now and then. I used Scarlett's current favourite book Commotion in the Ocean (it's a great read for toddlers and a lovely colourful book) for inspiration.

In preparation for the lunches I bought some rice paper shapes, star fishes, octopuses and crabs. These only cost £1.09 delivered and I've got plenty to keep us going for a while.

I started by making some fun shaped mini bread rolls. They're supposed to be a crab, octopus, then two round rolls topped with the rice paper shapes which I put on before baking so they stuck on properly. The shaped rolls are he ones Scarlett enjoyed the most, she has a good imagination!

Sea creature rolls

For her first lunch she chose the crab roll. I cut out some seaweed shapes from green felt to accentuate the theme. I did her a veg snack box and cut out some carrots into fish shapes, Made some colourful fruit kebabs and some pretzels for whale tails.

Crab Lunch

The next one was the octopus. I then folded a strip of card and used it to hold some Indian snacks and a pot for home made ketchup. I then used cauliflower and cucumber for a coral look.

Octopus Lunch

And finally the star fish lunch. This one has more "fish" themed food as my shopping had been delivered by this point. I have some fish shaped baked crackers, in the jar (old plastic container from cake sprinkles) are ocean shaped fruit chews mixed with yoghurt covered strawberries. I then made Jellyfish fruit picks, made from a strawberry and a length of banana cut with a star cutter to give the ridge look (I covered the banana in lime juice to stop them from browning). Finally a sandcastle yoghurt pot.

Starfish Lunch

These aren't the most artistic lunches I've seen online, but they are fun and best of all Scarlett really enjoyed eating them.

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