Saturday 4 April 2015

Mirror Revamp - Once Upon A Dream

After a good Friday spent repainting my hallway, stairway and landing I looked at my landing mirror this afternoon and realised it did not go with any of the new décor. So in true thrift style I spent about half an hour collecting bits of inspiration from around the house and decided to revamp the old mirror into something new.

This literally only took me a couple of hours using some left over wall paint, buttons, broken bits of jewellery and good old super glue.

I forgot to take a before shot but this gives you an idea on how it looked before.

The before shot (actually just the unpainted back)

Firstly I painted the frame in some left over wall paint. Then whilst that dried I got out my button box and old jewellery and started mapping out ideas.

Then after watching The Voice finals I put super glue to button and started sticking it all down

Tip: I used puppy training pads to protect the flooring. 
These are water proof and absorb any spillages.

I also found this pendant which I have attached to the bottom of the frame. I'm thinking I might use the holes from the chain to hang a little sign, if I find something that catches my eye. 

Lastly I spotted this "Once upon a dream" logo on the back of a birthday card I'd gotten from Anya. I thought it looked cute so I cut it out and stuck it in the top corner. 

And there we go it's done. The best bit is I remember all the bits of jewellery I used, and who gave them to me and when, All those bits that had too much sentiment to throw away, but now I get to see them all again and enjoy them in this new space. 

Looking much brighter than the old black frame. 

Love my new mirror I'm looking at the lamp shade and thinking how dull that looks. I might need to stock up on more super glue! 

1 comment:

  1. You really got a thing for art, Joanne! You turned your simple-looking mirror into an artsy one, and yet it didn't completely lose its simplicity. I love the way you chose the materials that you used, because they are all recycled. I agree that this white one is better than its color before because it's now lighter to look at, and it makes your wall look livelier. Good job! :)

    Doug Lowe @ MM Glass Ltd
