Tuesday 2 June 2015

15 Minute Meals - Continued

We've been using Jamie's meals for a couple of months now and they have been lovely. Although we're not having a Jamie meal every day of the week I do now use them for at least 4 out of 7 meals a week. They are also super useful for lunch play dates with friends.

So this was my second weeks choice of meals.

Day 1 - Crackin' Crab Bricks - Page 240

These are my favourite so far. Although one tip, the recipe calls for 400g of Crab, and my local super markets sell 100g of crab for around £4.50, and frankly I'm not in the position to spend £20 for one family meal. Sorry Jamie. So I used 100g of crab and substituted the rest with prawns. It was yummy, and the prawns added a nice meaty texture that would have been missing if we'd have just used crab. The dipping sauce was amazing, and so simple!

Day 2 - Pasta Pesto With Garlic and Rosemary Chicken

This one was super yummy. I substituted the fresh lasagne sheets on this one for dried fettuccine as this was on special offer when I went food shopping making it loads cheaper than the fresh pasta and it stores better for future meals.

Day 3 - Flashy Fish Stew

I wasn't completely sure about this one as I'm not mad keen on fish, and it was the garlic ciabatta that convinced me to give this one a go...and it was well worth it. I have to admit I've used the garlic ciabatta as an addition for a few other recipes now. If you try nothing else from these recipes, try this bread! NOM!!

Day 4 - The Best Fish Baps - Page 214

I used Pollock for this one as it was one of the cheaper white fish fillets I could find, and I had some left over from the last time I did this recipe. Although the frozen fillets weren't as nice as fresh. They'd gone a bit rubbery. Only £1.80 for all of us.

Day 5 - Grilled Steak with Chimichurri Sauce

What can I say about this except nom, nom, nom! It was lovely. We are spice fans in this house so this went down very well. We added thyme roasted potatoes to the recipe as we shared out two steaks between the four of us, so I wanted to fill it out a bit. 

I forgot to take photos of the other bits, frankly dinners are a bit crazy in our house since Millie has started to feed herself...crazy and very messy!

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