Wednesday 18 March 2015

My welcome to the world of blogging

My first blog and I'm not sure where to begin.

A bit about me, I'm 28 years old mama of two beautiful little monsters. Scarlett 3 and Millie 7 months old. I'm married to Andy (5 years this May) and we all live together in rural England. Pretty standard I guess, so why blog?

I love to craft, cook and the general craziness of my home and I thought you might like an insight too. So I'm sharing my thoughts, ideas and experiences with you. 

I'm a list maker, planner and one of those people who get asked all the time "How do you find the time to make those costumes/ bake bread/ cook cakes/ garden and still have time to look after two children under 5?" and honestly I don't know how I do it, but I do. Maybe keeping a blog like this will help explain it to myself and others. 

I cook every day, bake bread and most days I do crafts and I'm happy to share my recipes, crafty thoughts and the occasional disaster with others, and hopefully get some feedback on what you might think. 

Our little unit

P.S would like to add more but Millie has just woken up from her nap. Let the fun begin! 

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