Wednesday 18 March 2015

New baby on the horizon - Baby box present idea.

One of my very close friends is due to have her 3rd...yes 3rd baby...I thought this completely crazy but if anyone can pull it off it's her. 

So with my other very close friend Anya we decided to put together something a little bit special. As I know baby no 2 onwards tend to get forgotten about by friends and family. I think they wonder why you're putting yourself through it all again when you moaned so much the first time around (just me?).

Anyway with this (probably) being her last child we felt we needed to make a fuss. So whilst on Facebook I noticed an article about the Finland baby box and decided this would be great. Perfect to put in the must haves for a new born and a few extra treats. With the added bonus of a storage box. 

Here is our version:  

  • Nappies
  • Wipes
  • Breast Pads (we know she's bfeeding)
  • Burts Bees baby kit (love their stuff)
  • Newborn Vests, bibs, baby grows
  • Scratch Mits
  • Socks
  • Knitted Blanket
  • Rattle
  • Lamb comforter
  • Baby book (guess how much I love you)
  • Baby Towel and Wash cloth

 Presents wrapped in brown paper and I cut a couple of old baby grows into ribbons for a cute decoration. Finished with a luggage tag eluding to what might be inside. 

Bottom layer with the essentials

Top Layer with the nicer bits and a hand knitted blanket I originally made for Millie, but I went on a bit of a knitting spree and made far too many, so I put a few aside for friends who I knew were having babies shortly after myself. 

All presented in this lovely box.

The best thing about this present is how inexpensive it's been. All the wrapping paper and ribbons cost £1.50, the presents were bought over a few months so we managed to get some good deals. The box was less than half price too at only £9 which is brilliant considering it's huge, pretty and practical. Perfect for an "on maternity leave budget"

We're giving this to Adele tomorrow as baby is due next week. I hope she likes it. 

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