Sunday 1 November 2015

Cress Heads

This is a great penny pinching home craft for the little ones.

The kids enjoy getting messy making them, lots of stickers decorating them, then watching them grow. The best bit is they grow super quick for those impatient kiddies who tend to loose interest if they can't almost see something growing before their very eyes. These only take a week or so to mature so are perfect.

So here is how:

  1. Cut up an old pair of tights around the ankles.
  2. Pour a few cress seeds into the toe part of the foot.
  3. Top with soil and tie up end. (for the daddy pour a few extra seeds in around the top of your soil to create a beard before you tie up)
  4. Turn upside down onto the tied up end.
  5. Decorate with stickers. We did a mummy, daddy and Scarlett. 
  6. Place into little dishes to collect water.
  7. Water thoroughly at first, then just pour water into the dishes when they start to feel dry.
  8. Watch them grow.
  9. When shoots appear to be trying to break through the tights, cut a small hole to let them through
  10. Add to salads and sandwiches when you want to give them a hair cut.
Day 1

Day 3
You can see the shoots coming through. 

Day 7

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