Wednesday 25 November 2015

Tot Friendly Christmas Tree

Today is the 1st December so I can finally share with you all my Christmas crafts!

This year I needed to think outside the box when it comes to Christmas decorations as Millie is 16 months old. She's a walking and climbing whirlwind of destruction and chaos, which means your traditional tree is totally out of the question. It would be no time before she would have taken off all the decorations, and pulled the entire thing down on herself.

I'd seen these felt Christmas trees online and in hobby craft so I decided to have a go at my own. This was much cheaper than buying the premade ones. I bought the 2m x 1.5m roll of green felt off ebay for £5 delivered, and all the extra felt and lights from the local pound shop. Overall this has only cost me £17. Much cheaper than a tree anyway.

I cut out basic felt shapes for decorations and stuck them together with a hot glue gun. I then added Velcro dots to the back of the decorations and the Christmas tree cut out. This will allow the girls to take off the decorations and re arrange them as they please.

I then added some twinkly lights to the felt tree. I bought the battery operated copper wire lights which are safe enough (not plugged into the mains) and tiny enough to not add too much weight to the tree. I cut a little hold in the felt, hot glued the first bulb in place, then worked my way down the tree.
This is the back of the tree where you can see the light wire.

This is how the front looks.

I then hung the tree on the wall using blue tac and it seems to be sticking quite well. The girls are having fun with it already!

 And what have we done with our normal decorations?? I still wanted to show them off as they are so pretty. So I've done this around all of the windows too. A branch from outside, Hung the decs off the branch using different ribbons and wrap around with lights. WAY out of Millie's reach!

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